Sioux Falls Composite Squadron
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Color Guard

CAP uses drill and ceremonies as a tool for leadership development. Drill is a skill that teaches all the elements of followership – immediate response to orders, attention to detail, complying with specific direction, and the importance of teamwork. Drill allows an individual to progress from the simple (e.g., individual drill movements) to the complex (e.g., flight or squadron drill). Drill allows an emerging leader the opportunity to lead by example, as an Element Leader or Guide might, and to coach and mentor subordinates. Leaders learn how to speak in front of a group, and how to teach.

Our color guard carries the United States flag and other flags appropriate to its position in the chain of command. In addition to the flag bearers, who are positioned in the center of the color guard, there are two or more individuals who carry rifles. This is a symbol that the flag (and its nation) will always be protected.

Being assigned to the color guard is considered an honor due to the fact that these individuals present and carry the symbols of their unit and country.

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South Dakota Air National Guard Dining Out
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Independence Day - July 4th Parade
Independence Day - July 4th Parade
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Mitchell Stampede Rodeo Parade


Funding for “Equipment and Ceremonial Elements”

provided by the MARY CHILTON CHAPTER


through the


Sioux Falls, South Dakota 

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